Our House Rules

  1. Members acknowledge that they have read and understood the assumption of risk prior to using the fitness center and facilities.
  2. Members affirm that they are in good physical condition to exercise and those unaccustomed to exercising are recommended to seek the advice of a medical professional before engaging in physical activity.
  3. To access the centre you need to pass the face recognition system, we also need to take your picture on your first visit for security reason and identifying purpose.
  4. Members who feel unwell while using our facilities, should stop the activity immediately and approach for assistance.
  5. Open storage area are provided to members and should not be use overnight, items left overnight will be removed without prior notice.
  6. Members should take care their belongings and valuables at all times, EFX24 are not responsible to any damage or loss of member’s belongings and valuables.
  7. Proper training attire and sport shoes should be worn at all times while in the fitness centre.
  8. For convenience to others, weights, dumbbells and equipment must be returned to their original storage places immediately after use. Do not leave weight plates on the bars or scattered on the floor at any time.
  9. Please keep equipment clean and hygienic – please wipe away excess sweat once you have finished.
  10. Do not drop or bang weights on floor. For safety, please do not work out too closely to mirrors. Individuals may be charged for the damage due to carelessness.
  11. Eating or gum chewing is prohibited in the gym, except in designated chill area. Members are required to keep the chill area clean and tidy after use.
  12. No photo-taking, video or audio recording is allowed without prior approval from EFX24.
  13. Private teaching / coaching is not allowed without prior approval.
  14. Personal music device may be used as long as they do not become unsafe for the user, or become a nuisance to other users.
  15. To maintain a safe environment, please report any faults or defects immediately to our staff on-duty.
  16. Member shall at all times behave in a decorous manner within the facilities, and shall cooperate with the staff of the EFX24 to ensure that these Regulations and any subsidiary rules adhered to.
  17. Members are required to respect one another. If a member’s inappropriate behavior causes disturbance or impact on other members and repeated warnings are ineffective, EFX24 reserves the right to terminate the member’s contract.
  18. The Director and his/her delegated appointee(s) shall have the authority (i) to request any user to leave the facilities, or to cancel their membership; or (ii) to suspend temporarily user privileges, for infringement of these Regulations or subsidiary rules and the Director has the authority to debar any users or persons from using the facilities and/or other user privileges either temporarily or indefinitely.
  19. EFX24 reserves the right to update or modify the above terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.